We have received countless testimonials on how a week at the Chapel re-energizes organists and inspires them to better support their church music programs. On their behalf and ours, thank you for your support!
Become a Part of Our Story
To donate please send a check to:
The Portageville Chapel, PO Box 378, Portageville, NY 14536.
The Portageville Chapel is a not-for-profit organization that makes every effort to keep rental fees low, in keeping with continuing education budgets.Therefore, we depend on donations for restoration projects and to keep the building and instruments in good repair.
Because we are an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible; and because we have no paid staff, you can be assured that every dollar you donate will go directly towards our mission of providing an inspirational setting for organists to compose and learn new music, renew their passion for sacred music, and prepare for the upcoming liturgical season.
Over the years, our supporters have donated in honor of loved ones, written checks for specific projects, set up annual contributions, and made free-will donations at concerts. All donations of $1000 or more are acknowledged by permanent plaques located at the two entrances to the chapel.
You can also name us as your Amazon Smile charity. Simply log on to www.Smile.Amazon.com and select us as your charity. Amazon will then donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to the Portageville Chapel.